Tuesday, July 25, 2006


into out of across the liminal brink

screaming into the outside you hear an echo that resounds a little louder every time you raise your voice. squint your eyes and you see patterns franticaly blazing themselves into your cerebellum. try to talk without listening to your voice. maybe its the vibrations of your skull that makes this impossible. there are visions and then there are perceptions and then there are projections and then there are hallucinations and then there are musings and then there are fantasies and then there are reflections and then there are shadows and then there are echoes and then there are harmonies and then there are dreams. struggling to 'grasp what you grasp with' you begin to spiral simultaneously inward and outward, like a starfish vomiting up its stomach in order to digest its prey outside its own body. if you feel you've hit a wall its because you have. if you feel trapped behind 40 layers of rapidly hardening liquid glass thats filling your lungs and your mouth leaving you frozen in mid scream its because you are. ever really notice what your organs feel like? you are full of meat.

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